
Showing posts from September, 2012

Sunday smile and furpals

Happy day! sharing a couple of my furpals pics today, joining me on today's posting is Zackt and Ruby, me goldie friends in japan, Gonta and Sakura, Yoda and Maya (sausage doggies) and yes, I got my pearlie whites brushed today!!(^∇^) Check em out!! Hope your Sunday's been sensational too!! Cheers Maxx

Tranquility on Thurdsay

Went to the beach and had a pawfect peaceful walk. Got to look out the car window on our way back home!! Hooooowwwwlllll..!!!! Happy Thurdsay to all! Cheers Maxx

Wordless Wednesday with hugs!

Cheers Maxx

Memories on Monday

  “Happiness is not so much in having as sharing.  We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”  - Norman MacEwan  Cheers, Maxx


It's Friday already? Well then..pawtay time!! (=´∀`)人(´∀`=) Starting with a little snoozeZzzz..(^∇^) Cheers, Maxx

Wordful Thursday :-)

Allo all! Happy Thursday! It's been a busy but wonderful past few days with lots happening! Well..where do I start.. Okie dokie! On Sunday we were at the botanical gardens and we saw Zackt! Here i was, taking a breather  here we were in action! bit of a blur.. dad captured this while we (zackt and me) were at play On Monday evening we got to meet Zackt again! ;-) followed by some yogurt time afterwards! look what we saw during our evening walk.. Snake skin..eerrkkk!   mommy still wants to hang around and take pics..!(>_<) i did a little snake wrestling once i got home.. Well, that's pretty much what's been goin on this few days.  There's few more pics to share but we'll save it for our next post! Enjoy your day! Cheers, Maxx

Sun Saluting

I'm gonna soak up the sun..v(^_^v)♪(^O^☆♪ Happy Saturday!! Cheers Maxx

Tranquility on Thursday

Have a great day!! Cheers Maxx

Wednesday with Dad

Getting a little massage..;-)) Happy Wednesday to all! Cheers,  Maxx


Allo All!  Happy Saturday! What's that mommy? It's the dad-ster's birthday today? Hmmm...will there be khake? treats? snacks?.. Think i'll take a snooze.. He'll be watching TV the whole day anyways..!  Here's wishing all of you a Happy Weekend! Cheers and snores, Maxx

Trials and error and finally..

allo allo! Finally mommy managed to upload some pics..! however she's unable to upload straight from the computer and had to use other application....;-0 did some sniffin at the gardens this morning! Halt!! who peed here...?! and i did a bit of marking of my own! Now that i'm home i'll take a little nap. Hmm...this neck pillow is not bad at all.!! ;-) Cheers, Maxx

Wednesday trial..

Hello All! Let's see if this works! Sigh...! Still no good! Well, hope you can see my furry fluffy paw which mommy says needs abit of a trim! We're still (rather, mommy's still) working on the uploading issue.. Enjoy your Wednesday Cheers, Maxx


Haroo all! Bummer! We were sooo behind on posting and it's all due to this.. We tried uploading pics and most of em turn out this way mommy's still trying to figure out how to solve this problem...:( Meanwhile we'll visit you as much as we can! ;-) Have a luvly Monday and a fantastic week ahead! Cheers, Maxx and mommy