Sunny, Moon, Rainbow, Crabby and Happy Day

Allo All! 
Can woo believe it, the weekend is almost here again! 
How fast the days pass and time flies huh?
The weather's been weird lately, at times we'd start with clear blue skies then it gets dark and cloudy and wet the next day or even on the same day..
Yesterday morning we were at the beach and not fifteen minutes after, we got drenched...!
Today it was a clear day and very hot.
This was taken two days ago, during our morning walk. It's the moon! 
We see lots of rainbow recently, especially after the rain. :) 
It's so beautiful and really puts a smile on mom's face!
Decided to lay back and do a bit of zen meditation 
on the beach front

While mom's smiling and me almost ready to start my zen moment,
 look what i found for myself:
Can you hear me..?

Happy Friday to all!



COOL moon shot, Maxx! And the rainbow made our mom smile, too!
Play bows,
Somuch beauty there, Maxx. Did your little friend say hello back to you?

Love that rainbow - definitely a smilemaker.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Unknown said…
What a great experience Maxx you watch the beautiful rainbow with your Momma :D

Dog Shock Collar | Puppy & Human Bond
what a beautiful place
Benny & Lily
24 Paws of Love said…
Sunrises, drenching rains, the moon, rainbows and crabs...What a crazy, but beautiful days you are having over there, Maxx. :)

Nothing like seeing a rainbow, especially with you in it Maxx. :)

Have a great Friday!
Beautiful photos, as always, but be careful of crabs, Maxx! They PINCH!


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