Tuesday Furs

Good Morning All and Happy Tuesday!

Guess who got de-fluffed today...!
Yup! that's all from my just my right hind, mind you!
What mommy? Turn the other side..?
Let me think about it...:(


Multiply that times four and you can just imagine how much fur is flying here:) If you turn the other side, you might have enough to make another sibe:)

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Now you can make your own pillow
Benny & Lily
That's a lot of fur, Maxx! Make sure you hang on to some!!!

Unknown said…
I agree with Two French Bulldogs! Pillow is comfy!
Piappies World said…
Hello there Maxx! The defluffer seems to be doing a good job. So long as you get lots of tummy rub from your mom, we encourage you to turn the other side.

Hmmm... fluffy floof pillow does sound like a good idea!

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & Forgie
Look at that! Your very own puppy-starter kit!
Play bows,

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