Snake, snooter and snoozes on Sunday..

Hello Everyone and Happy Sunday!
Can you see anything..?
 I dont see it mommy...
 Ah well...
snooze time
 Of course, no Sunday post is complete 
without a snooter close up!
and snuggles with
the pack

I'll be keeping my paws crossed
for friends who are unwell 
to recover ASAP. ;-) and for the 
rest of my friends from all over
to be in the best of health and happy always!
Here's wishing all of you a serene Sunday!!!



Unknown said…
Ewww, green snake!!!!!!!!

We hope everyone is healthy and happy too!
Look out, look out, look out, Maxx!!! There's a HUGE sneaky snake trying to sneak up on you!!! Beware, buddy, beware!
Play bows,
Awww, you are just so sweet, Maxx. Look at your snoozing there with all your pals. We have the same wishes as you - wouldn't it be nice if all were well again!

Looks like you may have a new pal sneaking up on you - watch your back.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
I don't see any snakes
Benny & Lily
sharkgila said…
Nice snake. And nice you, for not biting the snaky to pieces. We would have, for sure. Ha-wooo!

Togo, Tagar & Gamby

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