Sunday snooze

It's been drizzling since this morning,
What's a husky to do..?
SnoozeFest but of khourse!!!



Maxx, we have cold drizzle here now, and the Momster is not too happy because we were outside before she realized it was raining. She now has to deal with 12 muddy paws. One of us was sleeping inside just like you are - we think you can guess who that was:)

Hope the drizzle lets up for you.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Sagira said…
It has been he same way here the past two days
That's a good plan Maxx
Benny & Lily
Willis Peyton said…
Good to see you! It is very nice and beautiful post which you shared bundles of thanks for you.
obat stroke said…
wow kelb tant sbieħ ..

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