Monday Morning

Hello Everyfur and humans!!

We were at the beach this morning to welcome the morning sun;

(p.s - please excuse the picture quality, we had to use the phone camera, some human forgot the flashy box..!:(

There it is..

I love this time of the day!

It's so breezy here..:))

Hopefully it wont be soo hot today..

Well, that's my usual morning routine at the beach,
hope you enjoyed it as much as i have!
We snagged this pic on our way back to the car.
The tree's usually filled with those yellowish green buds but now it's almost in full bloom.

Have a magical Monday!

T Maxx


what a beautiful morning
Benny & Lily
24 Paws of Love said…
What a beautiful sunrise, especially with you in it Maxx!! Have a great day!
kissa-bull said…
wow even wiff the camera phone you and the sunrise look gowgeous. thank you for sharing your bewootiful pics

pibble wiggles
the pittie pack
Unknown said…
It's the most beautiful time of the day! You are so lucky that you can capture this beautiful moment with your humans.
wow, we enjoyed that a LOT! What a pretty sunrise! When our hot weather hits, we'll start getting Mom up early for our walks, too! Gotta beat the heat!
Stay cool, Maxx!
Play bows,
Hey, no worries about the camera. When you have a handsome subject like you and all that beautiful scenery, you can't go wrong. Have a great day, Maxx.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

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