Rainbow Connection

Hello All!
Today we are doing a special tribute for our sweet golden furiend, Muffin.
She crossed the rainbow bridge on Monday July 11th, at around 4.30pm Singapore time, after her brave and strong battle with her condition. We wanted to make this tribute a celebration of Muffin's life and remember her in a happy way.

Sweet Muffin

Run free Muffin, you are in no pain anymore and free to roam and roll!
You always love to roll around
and you love the beach
and your car rides! :)

We'll all meet again one day at the Rainbow Bridge.
You'll be running free with Dylan, Sam, Ninja, Jordan and other angels furiends there.

Thank you for bringing us all together!
We are so happy and blessed to be part of this great circle of furiends and humans!

Everytime we see a rainbow, we'll know that you'll be watching us from above.

Love from Maxx and family.


Woof! Woof! Very Nice ... RUN Free Muffin. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Muffin's furamily is furry lukhky to have woo, Snowie, and Zackt around to share our khondolences -

Please paw them some fur us -

We'll light a khandle fur her tonight so her journey will be a safe one!

Stella said…
What a very nice tribute to your good friend, Muffin! You are most lucky to have such a good group of friends to hang out with and I am sure you will all be lost without Muffin.

Condolences to Muffin's family,

That was such a lovely tribute to Muffin. We know how close you and Zackt were to her and her family. We are so sad to hear of her passing. Gentle hugs and soft woos to you and to her family.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
So sorry to hear about Muffin. What a nice tribute to your friend
Benny & Lily
We are so sorry that your beautiful friend is gone. That was a lovely tribute to her, Maxx.

Deborah said…
I'm so sorry for friends loss.
Such sad news and Muffin must have been a great companion.
Lot's of prayers are being sent your way.
24 Paws of Love said…
Our hears and paws go out to Muffins' family.

Run like the wind Muffin. :)
D.K. Wall said…
What a beautiful tribute. We are so sorry for the loss of Muffin and wish great comfort to the family left behind.
Sagira said…
I am very sorry to hear about your friend. What a nice tribute though.
TimberLove said…
Aw Maxx, so sorry for the loss of your mate, paw our condolences to efferyone,

RA & Isis
Golden Samantha said…
That was a lovely tribute to your pal, Muffin. What a great group of friends you have and what a great friend you were to Muffin. Fly free dear angel Muffin.
Big Hugs xoxoxo
Sammie, Avalon and Oz
Run free, sweet Muffin! You're already in a better place than any of us can imagine!

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