Floofs, Walks, Waves and the coming weekend..

Allo All! 
Happy Day to you!
Yes it's me Maxx! Can you see me?
Here i was at the beach!

It's been a wet couple of mornings but we still get hot humid noons 
and hardly any breeze usually around 4pm.
I wish the weather would be more friendlier for all of my
 friends around the globe!
I feel very blessed to be able to take walks at the beach, especially in the mornings!
leaving me pawprints in the sands 
watching the tides come in..
hitting the rocks..
hey.. feels like someone's tailing me....
get off my floof will ya mommy?!

Mom will have to rush off to class soon, i'm not so thrilled about it but she did
promise treats and that she'll be back very soon. 
What's that mom?
Today's Friday?! Woohoo!!
The weekend's coming!

I'm all geared up and ready for it!!

Here's wishing all of woo a happy weekend! Stay cool and hydrated!!



Still miserably hot here, Maxx, but there is talk of a bit of a break for Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. We hope so, only 10 degrees lower, but we think it will feel great.

Enjoy your weekend, hope Mom doesn't have too much homework:)

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
TimberLove said…
Happy weekend Maxx!We've got some nice rain here, it's helped to cool things and slow the fires. Be well mate!

You are so adorable Maxx. Did you dig a hole in the sand?
Benny & Lily
Unknown said…
what a great view, that beach is really beautiful :D

Puppy Bond | Paw Planet
Yes, Maxx, you are VERY lucky to get those wonderful walks on the beach.

We have been getting a lot of rain too!

Sagira said…
Looks like you had a great time at the beach. :)
Ha roo roo roo! I LOVE that "get off my floof" shot, Maxx!!!
I love that you get to take nice, long walks on the beach! Sure wish Dave and I could join you!
Play bows,
Anonymous said…
Hiya Savannah here. I want to follow your blog but need to follow by email. Is it possible for you to add a follow by email button on your blog? I really like your blog. Thank you
It looks like you have a great beach! We are jealous.


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