Tranquility on Thurdsay

Went to the beach and had a pawfect peaceful walk. Got to look out the car window on our way back home!! Hooooowwwwlllll..!!!!

Happy Thurdsay to all!



Have a great day, Maxx. We love those beach scenes.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
we love your beach
Benny & Lily
Unknown said…
Yes, we love your beach scenes too!
A trip to the beach, a walk, and a car ride. Can it get ANY better than that?!?! Ahhh.... I feel soooooo zen-ful now!
Play bows,
Did you let your tongue flap in the breeze as you rode home?

sharkgila said…
What a nice outing! That pic of you at the car window is pawsome.

Togo, Tagar & Gamby

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