Me and a bear named Pooh

Allo All!
Due to the wet weather we've been getting in the morning i decided to take a snooze, to replenish my strength for our evening walk. Guess who decided to join or rather wake me...

What is it Pooh...?

Come on Maxx, time to walka walka..
Get away Pooh, let me snooze a bit more..
Oiii!!! Someone get this bear off me...!!!

P.s - Mom thanks all of woo for your wonderful wishes for her on her Bday! ;-) She's smiling brightly now!



Pooh looks like a great friend, Maxx!

#1 is coming home today so we are al very excited!

BOL we love Pooh. Wish we had Poo for a pet, BOL
Benny & Lily
Pooh reminds me a bit of Zim. Ha woo.
Pooh is making us smile now, Maxx - hope you got him off in time for that walkie.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

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